Life is a profound journey of experiences, choices, and transformations. As a spiritual being navigating a human existence, I have come to realise that there is a subtle but critical distinction between experiencing life and embodying its struggles, labels, or limitations. This realisation came to me during a deep meditation when I was told by spirit, “We are here to experience things, not embody them.” This insight has profoundly shaped how I view the challenges and constructs of our world.
In this blog, I’ll share my reflections on what it means to live as a spiritual being having a human experience, the dangers of embodying our struggles, and the liberating truth that our reality is often shaped by human constructs, environments, and dogma. Through this perspective, we can reclaim our freedom and rediscover the limitless potential within.
The Difference Between Experiencing and Embodying
To experience life is to allow its waves to flow through us—to feel the joy, pain, love, and loss without letting any single moment define our entire being. However, to embody these experiences is to internalise them to the point where they become an intrinsic part of our identity. For example, when we say, “I am anxious,” rather than “I feel anxious,” we shift from recognising an emotion to claiming it as a core aspect of who we are.
Through my spiritual journey, I have learnt that we always have choices and options to change or improve situations. When we embody challenges, it is as if we become the illness, issue, or label, limiting our capacity to grow beyond them. Instead, I remind myself that I am not the experience itself but the observer of it.
Quote: “We are here to experience things, not embody them.”
Quote: “You are not the storm; you are the sky through which it passes.”
The Power of Choice
One of the most liberating truths I’ve come to understand is that we always have choices. Life’s challenges often come with the illusion of permanence, convincing us that we are stuck in circumstances beyond our control. However, this is rarely the case. Even in the most constrained situations, we retain the power to choose our perspective, our response, and the meaning we assign to our experiences.
When we understand that our reality is not fixed but fluid, we open ourselves to the possibility of transformation. This requires stepping back from the narratives we’ve embodied and recognising them for what they are: temporary and malleable.
Quote: “The moment you realise you have a choice is the moment you reclaim your power.”
The Illusion of Reality
Much of what we perceive as reality is shaped by human environments, constructs, and dogma. Cultural norms, societal expectations, and inherited beliefs form a collective illusion that dictates how we see the world and ourselves. These constructs often tell us who we should be, how we should act, and what is “real.” But when we begin to question these narratives, we see their limitations.
Spiritual wisdom has taught me that none of this is ultimately real in the eternal sense. What we experience in this physical plane is part of a temporary journey—a canvas upon which we paint with our choices, thoughts, and actions. By recognising this, we free ourselves from the weight of expectations and allow our authentic spirit to emerge.
Quote: “Reality is not what you see; it is what you create.”
The Role of Detachment
Detachment has become a cornerstone of my spiritual practice for navigating life without embodying its struggles. This does not mean ignoring or suppressing emotions but rather observing them without attachment. When we detach, we allow ourselves to experience life fully without being consumed by it.
For example, if I face a health challenge, detachment means acknowledging the situation, seeking solutions, and nurturing myself without letting the illness define me. This mindset shifts me from being a victim of circumstance to an empowered participant in my healing journey.
Quote: “Detachment is not indifference; it is the freedom to navigate life with clarity and grace.”
Living as a Spiritual Being in a Human Experience
The essence of spirituality lies in recognising that we are more than our physical bodies and the roles we play in this lifetime. We are infinite, eternal beings experiencing the richness of human existence. This perspective has been a powerful antidote to the challenges and limitations I’ve faced.
When we remember our spiritual nature, we understand that every challenge is an opportunity for growth, every loss a lesson in love, and every moment a chance to reconnect with our divine essence. This realisation helps us transcend the labels and constructs that seek to confine us.
Quote: “You are not here to live a life dictated by fear, but to create one illuminated by love and possibility.”
Practical Steps to Embrace Life Without Embodiment
Practice Mindful Observation: Take time each day to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgement. Remind yourself that they are temporary visitors, not permanent residents of your being.
Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Reflect on the narratives you’ve internalised. Are they truly yours, or have they been shaped by societal constructs? Release those that no longer serve your growth.
Cultivate Gratitude: Focus on the blessings in your life, no matter how small. Gratitude shifts your perspective from scarcity to abundance, helping you see the possibilities in every situation.
Embrace Change: Recognise that change is the only constant. Rather than resisting it, flow with life’s currents, trusting that each change brings new opportunities.
Connect with Your Higher Self: Through meditation, prayer, or reflection, tune into the infinite wisdom within. This connection will guide you through life’s challenges with clarity and purpose.
Quote: “When you align with your higher self, you see life not as a series of problems but as a canvas of endless possibilities.”
Your spiritual journey is a testament to the resilience and beauty of the human spirit. By choosing to experience life without embodying its challenges, you reclaim your power and freedom. You are not defined by your struggles, labels, or circumstances but by the choices you make and the love you cultivate.
Remember, you are here to experience life, to learn, to grow, and to create. You are not bound by the illusions of this world but are free to shape your reality. As you walk this path, may you find joy in the journey, wisdom in the challenges, and peace in the understanding that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Quote: “The greatest freedom lies in remembering who you truly are: a limitless being of light and love.”
So true! I am 60 and over the last year especially, I too have learned not to let life define or limit me. 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, so I told people "I have". I have recently discovered that this was "claiming it". I had never thought about it that way. Over the past few months I have reclaimed my story. I no long "have", but was "diagnosed with". I have even given up taking medication, which I am not saying that everyone should do this, but for me, I feel clean. Not sure how else to describe it. The RA doctor tried hard to guilt me into staying on the medication, to the point of…
Wonderful Blog! You must be a Friend of Deepak Chopra, as it was from him, I first heard your words "we are spiritual beings in a human experience." I also loved the Quote: "You are not the storm: you are the sky through which it passes." Thank you so much for this beautiful start of my day!