August's full moon is extraordinary for two reasons: It's a blue moon and a supermoon, meaning you're about to witness the rare spectacle of a super blue moon. But there's more to this lunar event than meets the eye—it's also a powerful time to practice gratitude.
How did this lunation earn its unique name? What astrological effects might August's super blue moon have on you? Let's dive into the significance of this month's luminary, also known as the Sturgeon Moon.
What is a super blue moon?
A supermoon occurs when the moon’s orbit brings it closer to Earth than usual, making it appear larger and brighter in the sky. This is the first of four supermoons this year, with others set to appear in September, October, and November.
As for blue moons, there are two types: seasonal and monthly. This month's lunation is a seasonal blue moon, which happens when there are four full moons in a season instead of the usual three. The blue moon is the third in this sequence.
The Astrological Meaning of August's Full Moon
August's full moon occurs in Aquarius, a sign known for its focus on humanitarianism, community-driven activities, and group dynamics. With Mercury retrograde in Leo and Uranus in Taurus interacting with the super blue moon, expect surprises and potential miscommunications. To navigate this energy, practice active listening and measured responses to avoid reacting from an emotional place.
On the same day as the full moon, additional cosmic challenges arise. Venus in Virgo connects with expansive Jupiter in Gemini and authoritative Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Saturn square off, marking one of the most significant transits of 2024 (they’ll meet again on December 24). With these planets in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces), the energy is palpable, and you might feel as though others are projecting their issues onto you or vice versa.
To thrive during this blue moon, it's essential to let your emotions flow and remember that these feelings are not permanent. It's also a time to reflect on what you're grateful for, acknowledging the blessings in your life. Consider incorporating a gratitude meditation into your routine to fully embrace this powerful lunar energy.
Meditation for the Super Blue Moon
Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. As you breathe in, imagine the light of the full moon filling you with peace and calm. As you exhale, release any tension or negative emotions.
Now, think of three things you are grateful for—big or small, it doesn't matter. Focus on each one for a moment, allowing the feeling of gratitude to wash over you. Imagine the light of the moon growing brighter with each expression of thanks.
As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize yourself surrounded by this light, filled with gratitude, and connected to the energy of the universe. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes, carrying this sense of peace and thankfulness with you.
For a bit of fun I have researched some meanings from a astrological point of view.
Horoscope Insights Under the Blue Moon
AriesYour dreams and aspirations are evolving, particularly around finances. It’s okay for your goals to change, as long as they align with your true desires.
TaurusA professional opportunity may arise, requiring you to pause other creative projects. Focus on what aligns best with your long-term goals.
GeminiYou're experiencing breakthroughs, realizing your life can expand even more. Consider a trip or exploring your local community for new possibilities.
CancerWith your intuition heightened, set boundaries when necessary. Trust your gut feelings—they’re likely accurate.
LeoCommunicating your needs may lead to tough conversations, but these will strengthen your relationships in the long run.
VirgoIncorporate exercise like walking or yoga into your routine. Movement will help quiet your mind and relieve overthinking.
LibraGossip may be swirling, but trust your intuition to discern the truth. The real story will emerge in time.
ScorpioUse this full moon to reflect on your past, which will help you clarify what you want now and in the future. Let your emotions flow naturally.
SagittariusMiscommunications could arise in your personal life. Seek clarity before reacting, and you may find everything works out fine.
CapricornAfter all your hard work, it’s time to relax and enjoy the rest of summer. This break will rejuvenate you for what's ahead.
AquariusYou’re opening up emotionally, allowing those who care about you to see the real you. Embrace your vulnerability; your loved ones value it.
PiscesEngage in soul-searching and journaling under the full moon. This will deepen your understanding of your passions and help you connect with yourself on a more profound level.
This August, the super blue moon invites you to reflect, release, and embrace gratitude. Use this time to meditate, focus on what you’re thankful for, and let the moon’s powerful energy guide you.
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